Congregational Update: 1/10/2025

Upcoming Schedule

Dear Church Family,

Sunday, January 12th: 
  • 9am Worship 
    • ACOLYTE: Needed 
  • 10am Coffee/Treats, Choir, Sunday School 

Wed. Jan. 15: 
  • NO family suppers in January 
  • 6pm Youth/Confirmation/Hi League

  • 8am Bible Study 
  • 8:30am Quilters 
  • 9:30am Ruth Circle 

Sunday, January 19th: 
  • 9am Worship 
  • 10am Coffee/Treats, Sunday School, Choir 

Additional Information

Congratulations to Julie & Larry Riemenschneider on the birth of twin great-grandchildren, Webster and Miles, born to Connor & Makayla Earley at Lakeview Hospital, Stillwater, and were immediately transferred to Children's Hospital in St. Paul. They were born two months early, each weighing 2 lbs. 1 oz, so please pray for these precious little ones!

MEALS FOR SODERBERGS! Please email the office if you'd be willing to provide a meal(s) for Larry & Teresa as they heal. They will greatly appreciate your help during this difficult time. Teresa will be having surgery on Jan. 21st.

January: Lector: Julie Riemenschneider/Gwen Wold
Ushers & Communion Bread: Glen & Bobbi Clausen

Thank You From Willow's Foster Closet

THANK YOU from Jennifer Land Thompson, Admin, Willow's Foster Closet:
With the help of First Lutheran Church in Amery we were able to get a new pair of pjs for every kid in foster care in Polk County for Christmas!!

We met with an amazing group of ladies in November and shared our “crazy” idea of getting every kid in foster care in Polk County a new pairs of pjs for Christmas and thinking around 100 pairs would be needed. And needed them in 2 weeks before our foster care Christmas party ?

The ladies presented the idea to the church and gathered donations and then shopped, organized and wrapped all the pajamas needed. This was truly an amazing experience seeing people care about these children.  We were able to gather 128 pairs of pajamas!! ❤️❤️❤️

Each foster family was given the pjs at our annual Christmas party where everyone was bowling and eating pizza. The party is put on by the Polk County department of Children and family services every year and is a great opportunity for foster families to get together and socialize and the children to have fun.

For the families that could not make the party the social worker delivered the pajamas to them that week. I can not thank First Lutheran Church in Amery enough for these blessing and they have financially blessed the closet as well. ❤️❤️❤️

Hope you have a good weekend and hope to see you at worship.
Happy Birthday Blessings!
12 Tony Aizpurua
13 Josephine Hoffmann, Carolyn Mertz
15 Kerrie Clark, Maverick Ziemer

Happy Anniversary!
21 Scott & Sherry Peters (15 years)
22 Luke & Leah Hoffmann (21 years)

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