Congregational Update: 1/12/2024

Dear Church Family,
Hope you will stay safe and warm during this cold storm this weekend.

Sunday, Jan. 14th: 
  • 9am Worship 
  • 10am Coffee & Treats, Sunday School

  • 5:30 Youth/Family Supper
  • 6pm Confirmation, K-5 Youth & High League 

  • 8am EVERYONE IS INVITED TO WORK DAY AT LUTHER POINT. Meet at church to ride share. Build docks, tear out wall, paint... Please let the office know if you can go. Lunch provided.
  • 8am Bible Study 
  • 8:30am Quilters
  • 9:30am Ruth Circle
  • 9am Worship 
  • 10am Coffee & Treats, Choir & Sunday School
In January:
Lector Julie Riemenschneider; Ushers & Communion Bread: Glen & Bobbi Clausen

is in need of laundry detergent again! Please consider donating some to them. Bring them to the office and we'll see that they get where they're needed! THANK YOU!
The WANDEROOS LIONS CLUB has placed a container in the narthex to recycle eyeglasses and hearing aids.
CHURCH IN SOCIETY is collecting larger SNOWPANTS for the Amery Intermediate School, youth sizes 12-18 and small adult for BOTH boys and girls. Please place them in the bin in the narthex. THANK YOU!
January is National Mentoring month- We currently have 20 waiting mentees in Polk County, so our need for mentors is huge. We have 3 options (shared below) for you to share about Kinship's needs with your congregation.
Thank you so much for considering.

Amy Danielson
Happy Birthday Blessings!
15 Kerrie Clark, Maverick Ziemer
18 Travis Bauermeister

Happy Anniversary!
15 Roger & Gretchen Johnson (69 years) WOW! CONGRATULATIONS!!!
Pastor Tim & Karen

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