Congregational Update: 9/8/2023 RALLY SUNDAY

It's Rally Sunday!

Dear Church Family,

It's the First Day of Sunday School!
RALLY DAY Sunday (Sept. 10th) Worship at 9am 
Wear your favorite sport team clothing!
10am Coffee & Treats, Sunday School (Bingo with candy prizes)
We are excited to get the kids back and start another year of Sunday School with them!
It's also an important Sunday for parents to join us as well so we can get feedback on how to improve what we are doing for our youth and plan for the year.

Please consider being a part of our CHOIR, practice in the balcony after worship.

Next Week and Beyond:
  • Tuesday 9/12:  8:30am Property Committee
  • Wednesday 9/13:  10am Church in Society
6pm Confirmation with Parents 
  • Thursday 9/14:  8am Bible Study 8:30am Quilters
  • Next Sunday 9/17:  9am Worship Bible Sunday for 3rd graders & 3 year olds 10am Coffee, Sunday School, Choir
  • Sunday 24th- Sunday School will be at Z Orchard (Bill Zagers on the intersection of C & F) Parents can bring their kids there right after worship. Any other adults that want to join them are invited. We will thank God for creation, bees, maple syrup and apples.

Church in Society is now collecting items for School Kits until Sept. 17th.
Lists are located by the display in the narthex.
Painters are wanted for the homeless shelter in Barron.

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App Notification Settings!

Review and Update your church notification settings in the church app!   You have the option to get notifications for the following groups.

  1. General (where most of our notifications go)
  2. Confirmation
  3. Sunday School
  4. High League

If you, or your youth, are part of any of these groups and have the church app on a phone or tablet, Please consider subscribing to one or more of these groups.

If you don't receive notifications from the church then you may have your notifications turned off.....  You can follow these same instructions to turn notifications on!  Watch the video below to learn how!
Are you interested in providing foster care for children in our county? The need is urgent! If you would like to set up a meeting to discuss this with coordinators through Polk County, please call Tiffanie Dagestad at 715-768-9568 or email her at OR call Alisha Olson at 715-554-3924 or email her at Alisha.olson@polk
September 13, 6:30pm Human Trafficking 101 Saint Joseph Catholic Church
Join us for this FREE awareness night presented by C.A.S.T. (Citizens Against Sex Trafficking). Understand what is happening in our backyard by learning the signs of human trafficking and ways to helpfully respond to those signs in the local community.
Find out more about the C.A.S.T. Organization at
Happy Birthday!
10 Abbie Bohatta
11 Michael Elbing
15 Lee Jones
16 Helen Carlson, Leah Hoffmann, Chloe Nelson

Happy Anniversary!
11 Steve & Erin Osero (24 years)

In September: Gregg & Jill Olson are our Ushers, Gwen Wold is our Lector, Linda Tempel provides Communion Bread, and Work Group Three headed by Cheryl Heiden and Julie Riemenschneider provides treats.

Pastor Tim & Karen

Online Giving to FLC

Are you aware you can give to First Lutheran Church on your phone through our app or on our website?   Do you have questions about online giving?  Find answers here
We thank you for your support of our Ministry!

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