Oct 11th Confirmation with Mentors

October 11th is another Mentor night!    We are looking forward to having you all there at 6pm.

Don't forget food will start being served between 5:15 and 5:30.

Those being confirmed at the end of October.  You need to get your sermons to Pastor Tim for review!
Please have your 9th Grader fill this out and email it back to our office. Thanks! Pastor Tim

9th Grade Sermon Draft Name:_______________________________
Favorite Bible Verse(s):______________________________________
Read the Bible chapter where verse(s) are located.
What is the context of the writing?
What is going on at that time and place?
What is God trying to say to them?
What is God saying to you as you read it?
How does this apply to your life?
How does Jesus life/death/resurrection apply to this reading?
What are some illustrations in your (or someone else’s) life, or stories, poems, readings does your verse(s) make you think of?
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