Youth Updates 10/27/2023

Confirmation Sunday

This Sunday the 29th of October we will be Confirming the following youth:
  • Weston Facchinni 
  • Amelia Fronczek-Rude
  • Craig Hoffmann
  • Brady Johnson
  • Katelyn Osero
  • Lillee Steen
  • Aurora White
  • Emelia Yeske

Congratulations everyone!

Please have your Confirmand here by 8:15am on Sunday morning to get robes and flowers on. Photos will be at 8:30. Please bring your cameras or phones to take individual and group photos.  Cake wil be served after worship. Please join us and bring your guests.

Sunday School

Sunday School Youth will be carving Pumpkins with family after the service!  Dress accordingly!

Looking head to next week

Wednesday, November 1st, 
  • 5:15 Handbells with Liz, 
  • NO SUPPER for youth,
  • 6-7pm Youth Program for kids k-12; 
  • Confirmation & High League with Liz.   Don't miss out on the fun that is had at High League!

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