Congregational Update: 12/15/2023

Dear Church Family,
Saturday, Dec. 16th: CHRISTMAS PROGRAM PRACTICE from 9-11am.
Sunday, Dec. 17th, at 9am our children will present "The Greatest Gift Christmas Pageant" during worship. They have been working so hard and look forward to performing for all of us. They are wonderful singers! Don't miss it!
On Wednesday, Dec. 20th, at 6pm we'll host a Christmas Recital!
NO SUPPER that evening, but Confirmation kids and youth should still come as always. We invite anyone to participate! Let us know if you'd like to sing, play piano or an instrument, dance, or anything else. Be creative! We'd be delighted if you'd be part of the recital. Please email or call the office to let us know what you'll be performing! We will have treats after the recital. Please let us know if you can bring something.
SUNDAY, DEC. 24TH CHRISTMAS EVE WORSHIP SERVICES: 9am Worship; 4:30 and 9pm Christmas with Candles and Communion
JIM'S BARNYARD TREE is up in the entryway for families to take their ornaments to use as gifts for family and friends. Checks for these ornaments should be made payable to First Lutheran Church with "Good Gifts" in the memo line. For families who wish to donate to Good Gifts for something other than what is on the ornaments (roosters, Family Farm, goat, cow, bees, etc., please pick up the ELCA Good Gifts catalog by the Advent calendars and Bible Study booklets. For the younger folks, there are coloring books, stickers, and piggy banks up front by the candy dish!   Visit Jim's Barnyard
IF YOU WISH TO BRING IN A POINSETTIA or other flowers for Christmas, please email or call the church office to let us know who you will honor or remember with your floral gift.

FROM MARY LOU WOLD: Thank you so much to everyone who sent cards and gifts on her recent retirement from WELCA leadership. Thanks also to Ruth Circle for the cake and gift card!
Happy Birthday Blessings!
Happy Birthday Blessings!
17 Nicholas Bedard, Andrew Larsen, Dorie Peters, Lilly Soderberg
19 Debbie Meyer
20 Connie Madsen
22 Kris Arneson, Abigail Kinzer, Michelle Williamson
23 Jodi Chelberg, Brett Forrest

Happy Anniversary!
19 Brad & Katie Johnson (25 years)
21 Rod & Jan Everson (54 years)
SALVATION ARMY RED KETTLE BELL RINGING!!  Ringers are desperately needed! Register now to ring bells for the Salvation Army from November 16th-December 23rd. Go to Register to Ring or call Patty Gallaty at 715-554-4928. There is a special need for ringers the week of Thanksgiving.
Pastor Tim & Karen

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