Congregational Update: 8/30/2024

Dear Church Family,

We hope and pray that you will have a blessed Labor Day.
We thank God for the blessings of our labors. We also realize the importance of having rest.
On the sabbath day we take a break from our weekly routines and gather together to worship God.  May you have a blessed sabbath.

God bless our kids and educators as they prepare to be back in school.

This Weeks Schedule

SUNDAY, September 1: 
  • 9am Worship 
  • 10am Coffee/Treats in our Fellowship Hall

Monday: Church Office closed for Labor Day holiday

Wednesday: 6pm Men in Mission

  • 8am Bible Study 
  • 8:30am Quilters

Saturday: 8am WELCA Apple River Conference meets at Faith Lutheran, Grantsburg
Sunday, September 8: 
  • 9am Worship 
  • 10am Coffee/Treats, Sunday School Rally Day

Looking ahead to September: Linda Tempel will provide Communion Bread. We need a Lector and Ushers!
Please email the office if you'd be willing to provide a meal(s) for Larry & Teresa as they heal. They will greatly appreciate your help during this difficult time.

have been donated by Del Schalz. Size 10 RayOVac. Let us know if you can use them!

School Supplies Needed!

We are collecting School Supplies for local and global youth. Please pick up a list or a bag in the narthex in the back of our sanctuary. Thanks!

Rally Sunday Coming Soon!

Rally Sunday School will be September 8. Please invite others for this event which will include games and treats. (Kids should wear their outdoor clothes that may get grass stains.) "POP INTO SUNDAY SCHOOL"
THE AMERY FOOD SHELF is asking for our help. They are running very low on their canned soup supply. It is a very popular item and any brand of soup donated would be appreciated. There is a tub in the narthex labeled for your donations. THANK YOU!
CHANGE IT UP 2024. WELCA event at Faith Lutheran Church in Grantsburg on Saturday, September 7. Registration fee of $15 (includes morning coffee and lunch) is due August 30th.   Mail your check to Nancy Priebe, 2881 140th Street, Frederic, WI 54837.
THE BACKPACK BASH held on June7th raised over $500.00 for hungry kids! Thanks to all who donated baked goods, silent auction items, and sponsors and attendees. So grateful for your generosity!
Happy Birthday Blessings!
1 Bev Gunderson, Jerry Haug, Marcia Johnson, Trudy Mattison
2 William Clark, Kylie Hansen, David Mork
4 Janet Burke
5 Paul Johnson, Emily Peck
6 Vivian Schuh

Happy Anniversary!
7 Jeff & Jodi Chelberg (39 years)
7 Tom & Andrea Van Someren (28 years)

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