Congregational Update: 8/10/2023

Dear Church Family,

Youth: Aug. 23rd Valley Fair trip. Please email or call office a.s.a.p. if interested.
Thank you for your continual prayers, support, and financial support of our shared ministry of First Lutheran.
Sunday Worship at 9am. Coffee/treats after

Thursday 8am Bible Study 8:30am Quilters 9:30am Ruth Circle

Sunday 9am Worship 10am Coffee  

Looking ahead to August, we need Lectors and Ushers.  Linda Millermon will provide Communion Bread. Linda Tempel has offered to usher on two Sundays; Glen & Bobbi Clausen are ushering as well, but more are needed.

You are invited to the Bible Study at 8am on Thursday mornings.

In mid-August, Church in Society will begin collecting items for School Kits. Watch for details to come.

Painters are wanted for the homeless shelter in Barron.

Trinity First Lutheran School, Minneapolis mission/service work opportunity.
August 15th. Leave First Lutheran parking lot promptly at 7:00 AM.
Work task = help teachers set up class rooms. Rod Everson has room for 3 riders. We would need an additional driver if there are more volunteers. Location is near the Metrodome.
3 hours travel time round trip. Work time what we can do.
Please talk with Rod after church or call office if interested.

Happy Birthday!
13 Pat Keller
14 Scott Sigsworth
17 Tim Bjorge
18 Bonnie Keller
19 Hank Rose

Happy Anniversary!
14 Steve & Lisa Hoff (25 years)
18 Chuck & Cheryl Williamson (50 years)
19 Neil & Sally Pickard (45 years)

ATTENTION WELCA MEMBERS: The WELCA Apple River Conference gathering will be held here at First Lutheran on Saturday, August 12th, from 8am-Noon. 8am Registration ($15), 9am Programs, Speakers, and Luncheon. Music by Jane Karsten; Speaker Moira Kneer will talk about "With Age Comes Wisdom...of a Sort." All are welcome!

Pastor Tim & Karen

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