Congregational Update: 8/9/2024

Dear Church Family,

SUNDAY, August 11: 
  • 9am Worship 
  • 10am Coffee/Treats 
  • Set up for our sale after worship

  • 10am Church in Society 
  • 7pm Church Council meeting at church

  • 8:30am Quilters 
  • 9:30am Ruth Circle 
  • 10am Set up for Rummage Sale

RUMMAGE SALE COMING! August 15-17. Hours will be Thursday, 8/15, 3-7pm; Friday, 8/16, 8am-5pm; and Saturday, 8/17, 8am-Noon. Volunteers will be needed during those hours. Items available include clothes, toys, books, household items, and more!

Sunday, August 18: 
  • 9am Worship 
  • 10am Coffee & Treats and EDUCATION MEETING
August is here! THANK YOU to Linda Millermon who will provide Communion Bread, and Larry & Julie Riemenschneider who will serve as Ushers.
Tom Hahn and Shayne Curtis will share Lector duties for August.
Happy Birthday Blessings!
13 Pat Keller
17 Pastor Tim

Happy Anniversary!
3 Doug & Sally Emerson (29 years)
11 Mike & Lisa Markee (23 years)
12 Craig & Jane Johnson (46 years)
14 Steve & Lisa Hoff (26 years)

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